A masterpiece of Dr Masatoshi Izaki in Syowa era, about 40 years ago, ‘Theories and practices of growing chestnut trees (‘Kuri-saibai no riron to zissai’ in Japanese) is filled with the essences of Japanese chestnut researches in Showa Era.
It had touched several issues of chestnut growing unsolved at that time, one of which is late graft failure problem.
そのひとつが「接木不親和」問題。英語ではgraft failure と言います。接木不親和とは接ぎ穂の初期の活着とは区別されるもので、一旦活着した後、時間(2年から30年、時にそれ以上)を経て発育異常もしくは枯死をきたすことです。クリはこの接木不親和が起きやすいのです。病虫害でも不親和でも、とにかくクリは枯れやすいです。特に西日本においては。
Late graft failure is definiitely different from early success of grafting. That is, several to 30 or more years after once grafted trees are established, some of them could wither or die. Grafted chestnut trees are subject to late graft failure. Grafted chestnut trees are prone to wither up from damages of diseases, harmful insects and/or physiological stress, ‘at least as I know’ especially in West Japan.
Photo: Suspected late graft failure in July.
1. 接穂と同品種の実生を台木とする。(共台)
2. 2、3年は苗床で育成して、不親和の症状があるものを除いて移植、植樹する。
3. 挿し木による自根苗の育成。
4. 取り木による自根苗の育成。
On that article Dr Izaki mentioned four measures to take described below against late graft failure.
1. Using the seedlings of the specific same cultivar for rootstocks as the one of grafting scions.
2. After growing the grafted trees in the nursery, removing affected grafted trees with bad signs and transplanting only healthy chestnut trees in the orchard.
3. Using cuttings with their own roots.
4. Using layering with their own roots.
In that Era, because the micropropagation of chestnut was regarded as impossible, he didn’t mention about it.
From 1940s to 1970s a lot of Japanese researchers had coped with the problem of late graft failure and published considerable amount of Japanese papers in Japanese.
In spite of the attention until early 1970s, after the outbreak of gall wasp, the growing power of imported chestnuts from China and Korea, and ‘bubble economy’ enthusiasm had gave devastating downsizing impact upon domestic Japanese chestnut farming and industry, interests in late graft failure had disappeared from the chestnut research field in Japan.
(Annotation: The generalized use of methyl-bromide might give the most significant devastating damage to the chestnut industry, since it totally deprives the nice flavor of Japanese chestnut. Chestnut is not a crop but a luxury grocery item tied with its very nice flavor. This is my own theory, that only a few of specialists are aware of. It’s weird that most chestnut professionals are not very interested in eating lovely nice-flavored chestnuts. Anyway, there had been a downsizing change in that period.)
研究者視点から見てみると、日本で取り木自根苗や挿し木自根苗の取り組みが1980年代以降すっかり廃れてしまった原因は、ざっくり要約すると「クリ取り木自根苗・挿し木自根苗の根生育の悪さ」だったと言えます。特に1973年の青木・松浦氏の「クリ台木試験 取木自根樹の生育と収量」(落果試資47-1~2)による「取り木苗は接木苗に生育、収量、根量共に大きく劣る」というデータと、1969年の町田氏、藤井氏による挿し木の発根20%という低い発根成功率のデータが研究者達の研究熱を冷めさせた決め手になっています。
From researchers’ point of view, the reason why they lost interest was, in short, that they observed very weak root system growth in layering/stooling and cuttings. Dr Aoki and Matsuura showed that the chestnut trees derived from layering are inferior to the grafted trees in both growth, production and root amount in 1973. Dr. Machida and Fujii showed low success rate, about 20%, of the rooting of chestnut cuttings in 1969. Those data had made the Japanese researchers lose interest in growing chestnut trees through layering/stooling and cuttings.
Although they were aware of the importance of short life problem of grafted chestnut trees, the late graft failure issue, the needs for resistant rootstocks in grafting, chestnut trees on their own roots, and growing chestnut trees from cuttings, many years ago, their successors quit questing whole the issue probably because those measures seemed not to work nicely or the issue seemed
extremely difficult to solve.
extremely difficult to solve.
(To be continued)