I attended the annual meeting of all Japan chestnut farmers’ group held in Iwate of Northeast Japan.
This is one of recent rare cases of chestnut afforestation designed for the purpose of wood production in Japan.
In older eras when people utilized the mountain areas as fuelwood forest, Japanese also planted chestnut trees in various ways.
約5000年前の三内丸山遺跡には、大きな栗材を使った高床式建造物があったり、集落の周りに栗栽培がされていたり、と日本にも旧くからの知恵によるagroforestry があったのです。
We can find the vestiges of chestnut agroforestry in the 5000-year-ago ancient cite in Aomori, that was also located in Northeast Japan.
Pollen remain analyses have revealed that chestnuts have been vigorously seeded all over Japan by human beings in this 11600 years since the end of glacial period. It seems to have be brought from the asian continent. It’s a long history, although it’s an instant considering the globe’s and chestnut’s far longer ones.
どうですか、日本でも栗を含めた agroforestry 農牧複合林業 再興してみませんか?